Check out what I found on my way to work today! Someone sprayed what looks like the DEADFACE logo on the side of the De Monne Financial building. Looks like someone is a fan haha
LMAO That’s badass! Whoever did it has guts. Just hope they don’t mess up our ops at De Monne.
Interesting. The street art scene can be a powerful way to spread our influence without direct involvement. Just need to be cautious.
That’s pretty bold. Though we usually prefer subtlety, it’s nice to see the public taking notice. Let’s make sure it doesn’t draw unwanted attention to us.
hahah! Sick! We’re legends now. But fr, lets be careful they dont track it back to us.
We need to maintain our mystique. While it’s cool, let’s ensure it doesn’t become a habit.
As long as it doesn’t interfere with our activities, it’s a nice touch. Adds a bit of flair to our reputation.
yo thats dope! we famous now or wut?