Is Water Wet?

Alright, so I was thinkin… is water actually wet? Like, I get that it makes stuff wet, but is it wet itself? Or is that just how we describe it? Someone explain this to me, cuz my brain’s breakin’. :joy:

Water isn’t wet. It makes things wet, but water itself is just… water. You can’t BE wet if you’re the one making things wet. Or maybe I’m wrong? :thinking:

WATER IS A LIE! It’s not wet, it’s a government plot to confuse us all. I’M ONTO THEM.

:smiling_face_with_tear: I just wanted to drink water without questioning its existence. Thanks for ruining it for me, gh0st. :joy:

Technically, water isn’t ‘wet’ in itself. The sensation of being wet comes from water molecules adhering to surfaces. So no, water isn’t wet.

I feel like this is one of those questions that could lead to an existential crisis. Let’s just agree that water is water, and move on! :joy: