The LAIR of The Zeal0t!

Behold, the LAIR of The Zeal0t!

Oh, man! That is SICK!!!

I found a old picture of TheZeal0t from the 80’s…

No, that’s not him… THIS is HIM…

No, no, no! I FOUND HIM!!!


You guys are just asking to have your hard drives SCRUBBED by @TheZeal0t … I’d quit while your are ahead!

NO WAY! You guys are all too old. The LAIR is modern now.

A clean desk is a clear sign of a SICK MIND!

I can’t tell if that is a Commodore64 or a Commodore VIC20. When I was in high school, a friend loaned me his VIC20 over Christmas break after he got a Commodore64 for Christmas. I spent my vacation writing a Star Wars Tai Fighter game in basic. That ugly box thing with the monitor built in is an early Apple Macintosh.